Finding Ourselves in the Far Outside
by Gary Paul Nabhan
"I finished my walk on the forest's edge, where the great music of crashing waves flooded into the tide pools, where wind ruffled devil's club leaves, and hermit thrushes sang. I reminded myself that the wisest, most inspired people I knew had all taken this second path, heading for what I call the Far Outside." More...
California Senate Bill 577
"This bill, notwithstanding any other provision of law, would provide that a person engaging in certain medical treatments who makes specified written disclosures to a client shall not be in violation of certain provisions of the Medical Practice Act unless that person engages in specified diagnosis, treatment, and other activities. The bill would require a person who advertises himself or herself as performing the services that are subject to those requirements to state in the advertisement that he or she is not licensed by the state as a healing arts practitioner...." More...
Joseph Smith's Herbal Medicine
" And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild foods..." More...
Food for Thought
"There is no blood or urine test to differentiate a well person from a sick one."
"The only way to determine if a person is well or sick is to Listen Look carefully Ask good questions and make a sound clinical decision..." More...